Seungri sued by company of singer Shin Eun Sung for withholding real estate investment profits

According to media outlet The Fact, an entertainment company ‘C‘ has filed a lawsuit against BIGBANG‘s Seungri, on the basis that he and company ‘J‘, a real estate investment company owned by Seungri’s father, withheld real investment profits belonging to both parties.

Back in December of 2015, Seungri had filed a lawsuit against a female singer named Shin Eun Sung, who had been under company C and had borrowed money from Seungri for a real estate investment venture. The reported loan amount for the lawsuit then had been 2 billion KRW (~ 1.7 million USD) plus an added 50 million KRW (~ 43,000 USD), but after some time, the lawsuit was ultimately cancelled, and the issue worked out over discussion.

However, a second lawsuit has come to attention, filed this past February 13 by company C surrounding the same land with which singer Shin had sought to pursue her real estate investment venture. According to company C, “We contacted the notarized contract holders company J, and the owner of the land Lee Seung Hyun (Seungri’s real name), regarding the profits earned from an increase in the land’s value several times, but we were not able to communicate with them, and as a result have filed a lawsuit.” Company C is asking for “the return of profits earned from the real estate investment.” 

It’s said that the price of the land when first purchased in 2014 was approximately 3.4 billion KRW (~ 2.9 million USD), but has now risen to approximately 8 billion KRW (~ 6.9 million USD). It’s assumed that company C is attempting to receive a portion of the land’s profits from company J by arguing on the basis of the contract that both parties signed when carrying out the real estate investment venture back in 2014, involving singer Shin.

Company C also claims that it is false that Shin refused to contact Seungri regarding the loaned amount from the previous lawsuit. When The Fact attempted to seek out Seungri’s parents’ sides by visiting the cafe owned by them, an employee of the cafe said, “The parents are such good people, it’s hard to believe that they are involved in this kind of lawsuit at all… Whether it’s something good or bad, it seems they are reluctant to come in contact with the media for fear that they might have a negative effect on their son.” 

Stay tuned for updates.


Source: AllKPop

BIGBANG’s Seungri flies to Vietnam to finalize his free apartment


BIGBANG member Seungri was bombarded by fans as he arrived at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam on February 17.The singer went to Vietnam to finalize the paperwork for his free Vinhomes D ‘Palais Louis Tan Hoang Minh apartment which was presented as a gift last year by Chairman Đỗ Anh Dũng in April 2016. Đỗ Anh Dũng is the father of Denis Đỗ, who is a good friend of Seungri.

He attended the Handover Ceremony held at the suite dressed in black and sporting aviator sunglasses, along with numerous press officials. The Vinhomes D ‘Palais Louis Tan Hoang Minh is a 5-star luxury apartment, so this is quite the free gift! There are also reports that G-Dragon will be arriving in Vietnam as well.

Source: AllKPop

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