BIGBANG′s G-Dragon Says He Wrote ′If You′ When He was in Love

BIGBANG′s G-Dragon shared the backstory to new song If You

BIGBANG participated in Naver Starcast On Air′s Countdown Live on June 30. 

If You was written and composed by G-Dragon, along with PK, who composed BIGBANG′s Monster and Dee.P, who composed Taeyang′s Eyes, Nose, Lips with Teddy. 

BIGBANG′s G-Dragon Says He Wrote ′If You′ When He was in Love

G-Dragon said of If You, “It′s a song style that BIGBANG hasn′t tried before. Before this album, we gathered the staff and let them listen to a few songs we made before, and everyone over 30 liked the song.” 

“The interesting feature is that it′s a sad song, but we sing it casually,” continued G-Dragon. “It′s the first song featuring all five of the BIGBANG members singing. You′ll be able to hear T.O.P sing.”

Seungri asked G-Dragon about the song′s backstory. “When I first wrote the song, I had a lot of thoughts running through my mind, and it′s a meaningful song to me. We′ve all loved, and it′s a song I wrote then [when I was in love]. It′s a song we can sing without much technique. I wanted the members to be able to dwell on the lyrics and sing thinking about their own situations.”

Meanwhile, BIGBANG released D, the third album in the MADE series, on July 1. If You and Sober ranked number one one on eight real-time music charts, including MelOn, Mnet, Bugs, Olleh Music, Soribada, Genie, Naver and Monkey3 immediately upon release. 

Photo credit: YG Entertainment

Source:  MWave

Epik High’s Tablo and BTOB’s Minhyuk Praise BIGBANG’s New “MADE Series – D” Tracks

Epik High’s Tablo and BTOB’s Minhyuk Praise BIGBANG’s New “MADE Series – D” Tracks

BIGBANG dropped the two most recent songs in their “MADE Series” on July 1, and the members are getting some much-deserved respect from fellow artists for their new hits. The emotional track “If You” was written and composed by member G-Dragon, while both G-Dragon and T.O.P had a hand in the writing of the dance song “Sober.”

Before the songs were released, the band’s sunbae and label mate Tablo of Epik High tweeted about “If You,” writing “This song is breathtaking” as a retweet of YG Entertainment‘s poster for the track. He also recommended “Sober” by tweeting “This song kicks asses.”


BTOB‘s Minhyuk took to Twitter to praise BIGBANG after the songs were released. He posted a capture of his music app on his phone playing “If You,” complete with the lyrics, and wrote as the caption, “Ah …. this is way too good …. I love ah no I respect you ..”

He then tweeted right after, “Because a good thing is good .. god bang ..” complete with a crying emoji.


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Source: Soompi

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