[Radio Audio | Trans] Daesung on K Generation Radio Show in Japan 20140719

Eingebetteter Bild-LinkTranslation with special thanks to Poku @mmvvip and ?? @mikan36 on Twitter.
Photo credit left: Highlight
Soundcloud upload: @mikan36
Thank you very much to all.

[Translation sets in slightly later in the show]

Playing Rainy Rainy now??
He said he's sad his tour is ending so soon but the MC said 'but ur smiling!'
DS: "I'm really saddd (laughing)

MC: what kind of album did you want to make this time?
DS: these were new songs so I was worried but... I wanted to express a lot of different types of love...

He recorded the album in Korea on a right schedule.

DS: this is my fav new song... I think haha
Now playing: Omoi Tsunotte

Daesung got over 700 questions from fans!! Wowww~~
Q. Where did you make your album? DS: I love staying at home~ 
DS: I write lyrics at home! 

?MC: oh you don't go to clubs?
DS: no~cause I can have fun like at a club but at home!!  home is free!! But clubs cost money, right? Haha

FanQ: Your hair style changed recently. Any reason?
DS: Yesss, cause it's summer and it's hot~~ I changed my bangs & got a perm and you know my eyes are so small? It's so I can see everyone better! It's for you all!! Bangs get in the way~ lolol

FanQ: You always call kids "baby" but what is your age standard of "baby"?
DS: Ahh~ you know in BB TOP is the baby & he's born 87 right? so if you're born since 87 then you're a "baby"! MC: hahaha so TOP is the standard huh?

FanQ: I'm 42 but am I a "baby"?
DS: That's the perfect time period!

MC: Only Osaka is left. Osaka-castle is a big hall! Is there something fans should prepare when they go to ur live? 
DS: mm.. there are a lot of jumps at my live. Lots of jumps! So please don't eat too much cause if you do, you'll feel sick kkkkkk

FanQ: What kind of music gives you strength?
DS: genre doesnt matter to me. Recently I listen to rock. MC: rock?

DS: When I was planning this live, I watched QUEEN's videos as a reference. MC: Freddy Mercury? DS: Yes! MC: and the beard..? DS: hahaha

DS: Not the beard.... instead I have the knees!
MC: Your manager is next to u not saying anything but he's acting like Freddy Mercury now
MC: Now he's (manager) so red hahaha Good thing you can't see on radio~

FanQ: What kind of move do you like women to do? IE: I like the sweat on your neck (LOL)
DS: ahhhhh~~~ neckkk

DS: I like the look women give like a mother looks at their child.. like I am being protected... I like that look in the eyes...

DS: Yes.... I love being looked at.. haha
MC: really? Your live is gonna be crazy haha Everyone's gonna look at you like O_O

Now playing~ Sekai ga owattemo
Also apparently Dae is really sweaty now too hahahah MC said it's ok to be eroi (sexy) now cause it's late at night XD

MC: 'Even if the world ends' I'll love u
DS: 'I can die for you'
MC: I'd like to say it one day
DS: Please say it (now) hahaha
MC: ....ahaha

DS: (on a-nation) It's been a while since all 5 of us got together. I wanna show a really cool, passionate stage.
MC: TOP wasn't there for the fan mtg either.
DS: I haven't seen TOP in half a year. I was in JPN the entire time & TOP was filming his movie... yes I wanna see him again.

Now playing~ Fantastic Baby

DS: Bigbang's stage is.. ah it's great because there's so much freedom.
MC: Yes it's really interesting & fun

FanQ: SOL came out with Eyes, Nose, Lips but which do u like about urself the most?
MC: *laughing* what kind of question is this? That's not what the song is about right?
DS: haha no~ (...) Men should be "nose" right? My nose is still growing haha MC: I'm jealous hahaha

DS: Please listen to this really up-tune song and good night~^^

Now playing~ Shut Up

MC: You said you have a lot of plans in the future? Is it a BB plan?
DS: There are BB plans...too!! In the future! sometime!

DS: Please wait a bit more~
MC: During the fan mtg GD said there'd be a comeback in the summer!
DS: haha yes it'll be after summer hahaha

DS: There'll be something in the fall! MC: ooh!! So promising!! It's a promise??
DS: YES! I always keep my promise!

DS: This studio is so relaxing! I wanna go to sleep hahaha
MC: Yea cause the seats are so nice!

MC: Please come again sometime~!
DS: Yes! Anytime!
MC: Really!?
DS: Yes!!
MC: !?!?
DS: Yes! Let's go to dinner! *both laughs*

DS: No really please invite me anytime~
MC: Thank you~ & thank you everyone.

DS: ??~ (goodnight in sexy soft voice *_*)


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